Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miracles - Forget Me Not

My 2 year old daughter requested a hike today, so I loaded her in the backpack and off we went.  While by the lake (about three quarters of a mile from our home), I spotted forget-me-not flowers. These are my favorite flower. My great grandmother had some in her yard in Bergen, Norway. I her only once, in the summer of 1989, but this moment when she took the time to teach me about this tiny blue flowers is one of my fondest memories and always reminds me of her love. So today I thought of her and wished my little girl could meet her. This truly was a gift from Heavenly Father to see today and share with my daughter.

In October 2011, Elder Uchtdorf gave this talk. This was a message I needed to hear and was deeply touched by his use of the forget-me-not flower. Through I felt and remembered my great grandmother's love, but also the Lord's love because He inspired His apostle to use a symbol that is so important to me!

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